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Chinese translation for "cloak room"


Related Translations:
cloaking:  外套料伪装隐身隐形理论研究
cloaked:  包封的
cloak:  n.1.斗篷;大氅〔有时也指有袖子的〕,外套。2.覆盖物。3.托辞,口实,借口;幌子,伪装。短语和例子under a cloak of (snow) 被(雪)盖着。 under the cloak of 1. 借口,借名,假装 (under the cloak of charity 假装慈善)。 2. 在…的掩护下,趁着(under the cloak of night 趁
mourning cloak:  【动物;动物学】蛱蝶。
opera cloak:  赴剧院[夜会]穿的女大衣。
armadillo cloak:  穿山甲外衣
long cloak:  斗篷
cloaked page:  隐形页面
cloak generator:  隐形发生器
invisibility cloak:  隐形斗篷 闪亮的银布,摸起来像是流水的质料,可以使穿上的人隐形。是詹姆波特留给哈利波特的遗物。隐形衣
Example Sentences:
1.Astonishing the things people leave behind them in trains and cloak rooms
2.Check cloak room
3.What we know of foot - rests , swivel - back chairs , dining - rooms for the girls , clean aprons and curling irons supplied free , and a decent cloak room , were unthought of
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